Malavika Rajkumar was invited to take part in a panel discussion on ‘Challenging Big Tech’ at the Asia-Pacific Digital Rights Forum on 13 January.
The Internet today is largely controlled by a hegemony of giant technology companies that control so much of people’s online lives, but largely escape regulation and accountability for the digital dangers that their platforms facilitate and propagate. However, there have been more initiatives for independent, free, and open-source platforms to present people with more right-respecting alternatives to Big Tech platforms.
With this, the ‘Challenging Big Tech’ session aimed to serve as an introduction and context provider to current, new, and upcoming digital rights defenders about these open tech initiatives happening both across the Asia-Pacific and globally.
Besides Malavika, Sam de Silva, Engagement Advisor, OPTF; and Elonnai Hickok, Managing Director, Global Network Initiative, took part in the discussion. The session was moderated by Sara Pacia, EngageMedia Communications and Engagement Manager.
Know more about the event here.