The COVID-19 pandemic affected the progress of SDG4, but it led to advancements in online education technology. Education should be inclusive, learner-centered, affordable, and reach the last mile, while respecting cultural diversity and local languages.
To discuss about Quality Education and how Digital Transformations around the world are affecting it, Gurumurthy Kasinathan will be taking part in Civil 20 India 2023 (one of the official engagement groups of G20) Education and Digital Transformation Working Group's virtual event at 06:30 PM IST on 29 March 2023, along with other speakers Adv. Pravin Nikam, Mr. Abhijit Sinha, Ms. Smrithi Rekha V, Dr. Deepika Singh, Ms. Pratiksha Pandey, Mr. Alimou Lembo, moderated by Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan.
The working group will study models for digitization and emerging technologies, indigenous philosophies and promote harmony and compassion in education. An inclusive digital architecture can bring socio-economic transformation and support the fight against poverty through accessible digital services, infrastructure, and literacy, and can redefine digital boundaries and promote culture, livelihood, and services while addressing disabilities and health. Policy recommendations will take into account global challenges, best practices, funding implications, and outcomes at the global and country level.
Know more about the discussion here. To join it, register here.