Climate change is an existential threat for people and the planet. Its harmful effects undermine the full enjoyment and realization of all human rights, disproportionately affecting those who are already in vulnerable situations. Over the past years, the Human Rights Council took on resolutions and discussions on specific aspects of climate change, while Special Rapporteur contributed with reports on specific thematic angles within their mandates.
The 53rd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council took place from 19 June to 14 July 2023. Anita Gurumurthy was invited to share her inputs at a side event, 'A Glaring Omission: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights in the Context of Digital Technologies', organized by FIAN International, during the Human Rights Council session. The session aimed to call upon the human rights system to look at the human rights implications of digital technologies from a broader perspective, focusing specifically on the right to food and other economic, cultural and social rights.