The United Nations invited IT for Change to take part in a virtual global consultation to develop a UN Code of Conduct for Information Integrity. We were one of 20 organizations that took part in the event and Anita Gurumurthy represented IT for Change. The event was hosted virtually on 23 January 2024.
The UN is developing a code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms in close consultation with a broad range of civil society groups including youth, media, advertisers, academics, digital platforms, and Member States of the UN. The code of conduct is being developed with the aim to provide a gold standard for guiding action to strengthen information integrity while vigorously protecting human rights.
The objectives of the consultation were three-fold:
1. To provide a global platform for stakeholders to suggest ideas, and share concerns and hopes towards the development of a UN Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on digital platforms.
2. To deliberate on the nine principles and accompanying recommendations outlined in the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda policy brief number eight on information integrity on digital platforms that will inform the development of the code of conduct.
3. To encourage feedback on the existing nine principles, further recommendations for consideration of new principles, and suggestions on methodologies for implementing the code of conduct.
The complete text of Anita’s input is available here.