Civil Society Alliances for Digital Empowerment in partnership with Association for Progressive Communications, the European Union (TBC), Governments of Brazil and Canada, and the Internet Governance Forum Secretariat.
Our Executive Director and Senior Fellow - Research & Policy Engagement, Anita Gurumurthy, was a speaker at the online roundtable 'What's next for the Global Digital Compact? Pathways to civil society engagement in the implementation and follow-up' organized by Civil Society Alliances for Digital Empowerment in partnership with APC, the European Union (TBC), Governments of Brazil and Canada, and the Internet Governance Forum Secretariat.
This event on October 31 explored what effective multistakeholder cooperation should look like in practice when implementing and reviewing the Global Digital Compact (GDC). Two panels unpacked the mechanisms for engagement introduced by the GDC, clarified how the GDC could leverage the role of existing multistakeholder processes, such as WSIS or IGF, and mapped out key entry points for civil society to contribute to the implementation and follow-up process.
Anita was part of a panel titled 'Towards meaningful implementation of the GDC' with co-panelists Kelly Anderson, Director for International Cyber, Digital and Emerging Technology Policy, Global Affairs Canada and Li Zhou, Human Rights Officer, Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The panel was moderated by Paula Martins, Global Policy Lead, Association for Progressive Communications and focused on the implementation of GDC commitments at the international level to refine understanding of new implementation and follow-up mechanisms introduced by the GDC and identify key opportunities for civil society contributions.
Learn more about the event here.