Research papers

A meeting on 'Towards a Just and Equitable Internet' was held in New Delhi on 14th and 15th Feb, 2014. A large number of civil society organisations and individuals from across the world attended the meeting. The participants agreed to form a coalition, called as the 'Just Net Coalition' (JNC), as a platform to address issues of social justice and human rights with regard to Internet governance. The organisational form of the Coalition is being finalised. Meanwhile, the Coalition submitted a set of Principles as an input to the preparatory process of the 'Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of the Internet' also called the NetMundial meeting, to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 23rd and 24th April, 2014. These Principles are as below..

This research study, carried out by IT for Change in partnership with Dr. Lisa McLaughlin, Associate Professor from Miami University, Ohio (United States), explores the structural-institutional facets of the relationship between women entrepreneurs, ICTs, and the mainstream discourse on entrepreneurship. The research study was carried out between 2010-12, focusing on women entrepreneurs in the two Indian states of Karnataka and Kerala, representing two contrasting ICT ecosystems; the former dominated by big private players, and the latter dominated by a welfarist state.

IT for Change has entered into an agreement with Zubaan, a leading feminist publishing house in India, to bring out a book – 'Feminist Visions of the Network Society' – that consolidates key insights from the various research efforts undertaken as part of its 'Gender and Citizenship in the  information society' (CITIGEN-Asia) programme.

1. Which stakeholder category do you belong to?

NGO – in Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC

In early 2013, the Department of India, government of India, set up a working group for developing Principles for Internet Governance in India. IT for Change is a member of this working group. In April, 2013, we submitted a detailed input paper outlining a framework for developing such principles called "From Internet to Equinet" building on a term that was coined by the then Minister of Communications and IT.