
Working closely with the trade unions All India Gig Workers Union & Indian Federation of App-based Transport Workers, and the civil society organisations Aapti Institute, the Centre for…

With the pandemic forcing the teaching and learning process to migrate to the online mode, the education system has faced an upheaval like never before. This has posed several challenges to…

View our 2020 newsletter here.

2020 has been marked by the coronavirus pandemic and the onset of a new normal. In the wake of this global crisis, our economic, political and social systems…

Anushka Mittal wrote a policy brief titled, 'Data Sharing of Non-Personal Data - A Plausible Redistribution at Play'. The policy brief is based on her paper titled, 'Exploring the Constitutional…

The Political Economy of Data

Data and data governance are hotly contested issues in the 21st century. Typically, they have been…

The digital gender divide has become “a matter of life and death,” in the words of the UN Secretary General in June 2020. Health care information (particularly about COVID-19),…

Anushka Mittal published a research paper as part of the Data Governance Network project titled, ‘Exploring the Constitutional Tenability of Data Sharing Policies’, analyzing the recommendations…

IT for Change provided feedback for the EU Consultation for the New Competition Tool and the Digital Services Act Package.

This was followed up with a questionnaire that included our inputs…

The Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change, offered a 4-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Teaching Mathematics with Technology, in collaboration with the Foundation for…

The Covid pandemic has starkly visibilized the underlying inequality and injustice of the global economic paradigm. It has not only exposed the cumulative failings of the neoliberal order, but…