
In May, 2013 IT for Change was approached by the global NGO Action Aid to generate think pieces on the subject of the role of ICTs in development. After a month of online…

Mahiti Manthana was a joint initiative of Prakriye and Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, undertaken between 2005 and 2009. Since its inception in 2005, the…

A pre-consultation meeting was organised in Bangalore in January 2017 to review our discussion paper, 'Technology-mediated Violence against Women in India: How can we strengthen existing legal-…

This discussion paper argues that the omnipresence of the digital demands a re-evaluation of legal-institutional response to violence against women. The networked logic…

IT for Change was invited to participate in the 'National Consultation on SDGs through a Gender Lens', organised by Women 2030 in June 2017. The intent of the meeting was to develop a feminist…

Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change (, in collaboration with Vijaya Teachers College, is transacting a certificate course on “Integrating ICT in…

It is widely accepted that digital technologies (popularly known as Information and Communication Technologies or ICT) have the potential to strengthen and reform school education. However, in…

It’s the end of an era for online activism. We have lost our safe, small, intimate spaces of digital publishing to corporate giants, state-run troll armies, and idiotic online commentary. We must…

This position paper looks at the issue of intermediary filtering in the context of two Supreme Court cases. The first was a petition filed by activist Sabu Matthew George in 2008, asking for a ban…

A discussion paper on strengthening existing legal-institutional response mechanisms in connection with technology-mediated violence against women, led to a pre-consultation meeting organized in…