data localisation


For long, Internet activists considered the Internet as being beyond law, politics and governments. J.P. Barlow made the famous Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace in 1996. It was fine when this phenomenon was just shaping up and challenging established institutions. But with the Internet and data becoming central to new social and…


The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement whose negotiating partners include the ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and India, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan and South Korea.The RCEP negotiations have been clandestine, but the leaked text has raised concerns about,…


This background paper developed for South Centre, Geneva, highlights how developing countries need to develop competencies and skills in global diplomacy around digital trade, and shape new geopolitical strategies, moving beyond narrow lenses of IT industry concerns or ICTs for development. Data is the new raw material that…