fair green global alliance


IT for Change is pleased to announce the call for applications for the second edition of its residential institute on ‘Frontiers and Frames for a New Digitality,’ organized by the School of Digital Justice, IT for Change and supported by the Fair, Green and Global Alliance.

All selected participants have been contacted. Thank you for…


The context of society- and economy-wide platformization and an expanding spectrum of platform workplaces necessitates a re-think of labor rights at the intersection of data, data-enabled algorithms, and work process reorganization. This working paper takes stock of emerging debates in this frontier domain of workers’ data rights, evaluating…


IT for Change is excited to be a member of the Fair, Green and Global Alliance (FGG) – a consortium of eight global organizations – whose goal is to expand civil society voices to make trade and global supply chains just and fair in Global South contexts.

As part of this five year program starting in January 2021, IT for Change will…