Media articles

The U.S.-driven Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity would result in a complete stranglehold over the economic systems of the participating countries.

India should prioritise strong AI governance to ensure data sovereignty, promote indigenous innovation, and address ethical concerns.

This article was written by Anita Gurumurthy and Amay Korjan for the German NGO Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (Forum on Environment and Development), which is a civil-society network

Towards the end of a workshop conducted for school teachers, a curious phenomenon is often observed; many women teachers become restless.

Teachers will ‘teach to the test’ and focus on ensuring that the student can write answers to questions related to the syllabus, rather than ‘teach the learner’.

Twelve years after the Right to Education Act was passed, public investment in schools remains abysmally low.

The Ministry of School Education and Literacy recently released

School closures for a major part of the last two years due to the pandemic has impacted different children in different ways; many have not received structured learning opportunities

In Solidarity is a SEWA Cooperative Federation podcast that explores themes relevant to women’s economic empowerment and challenges that women-owned, women-run enterprises face.