Research papers

IT for Change has entered into an agreement with Zubaan, a leading feminist publishing house in India, to bring out a book – 'Feminist Visions of the Network Society' – that consolidates key insights from the various research efforts undertaken as part of its 'Gender and Citizenship in the  information society' (CITIGEN-Asia) programme.

1. Which stakeholder category do you belong to?

NGO – in Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC

In early 2013, the Department of India, government of India, set up a working group for developing Principles for Internet Governance in India. IT for Change is a member of this working group. In April, 2013, we submitted a detailed input paper outlining a framework for developing such principles called "From Internet to Equinet" building on a term that was coined by the then Minister of Communications and IT.

This is a summary report from IT for Change, presenting the key research insights arising out of the 5 research projects and 6 think-pieces commissioned as part of the CITIGEN programme.

Read the summary report.

The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia/Commonwealth of Learning (CEMCA/CoL) supported the Kelu Sakhi radio project that aimed to develop community radi