Research papers

The 2008 report of the Global Information Society Watch surveys the national deployment of ICT infrastructure and its implications for development. It gives a detailed analysis of steps which need to be taken to improve ICT connectivity in rural areas. IT for Change wrote the chapter on India, which looks at the theme of access, focusing on the physical access to technology and the legal and regulatory framework, with special reference to community radio and ICTs in education policies.

This article authored for the 5 April 2008 issue of the Economic and Political Weekly  articulates the political contestations surrounding the governance of the Internet and explores how governments from the global South can challenge the dominant neo-liberal ideologies that shape the existing cornerstones of Internet governance.

This collection of papers is an attempt to build a body of critical work that offers analytical and conceptual tools to understand and engage with the structural changes that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are bringing about in society.

This publication showcases perspectives that critique the engagement with new technologies in various development sectors such as the media, work and economy and governance.

Prepared for the International Know How Conference (Mexico, 2006), this presentation details innovative directions for the discourse on development and women’s rights.

This paper was a contribution to the deliberations of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms set up under the process for the World summit on the information society (WSIS). It is a summary of insights emerging from a study of 3 large scale ICT4D initiatives in India. It discusses issues relevant to financial mechanisms from a field level viewpoint, through the analysis of four key areas: (1) ICT-based services networks; (2) ownership issues in multistake holder partnerships; (3) infrastructure, technology and regulation; and (4) ICT funding in core developmental areas.

ITfC presented papers at two panels during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) at Geneva, Switzerland (10 December 2003). The first paper, "Globalised media and ICT systems", presents a feminist framework on globalisation, as well as going on to examine instances of militarism in the context of globalised media and ICTs. A feminist perspective on an alternate global ICT system is also provided.  

IT for Change, in collaboration with Mahiti and the Public Affairs Centre, organised a workshop on 'Advocacy in the Internet age – Exploring ways forward for the civil society' held on 27-30 January 2001 in Bengaluru (India).