
IT for Change co-organized a webinar on 'Why Does Data Governance Matter for Workers' Rights?' with Public Services International, Focus on the Global South, and Third World Network. This is the…

Anita Gurumurthy gave a talk titled ‘Understanding the Digital Economy at the Covid Conjuncture’, as part of a one-month, international webinar series on Covid-19 and its impact on women. This…

IT for Change's Khawla Zainab and Ankita Aggarwal made a presentation on Understanding Data Capitalism as part of a two day workshop on Digitalisation and Women. 

The workshop, organized by…

IT for Change and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, an alliance of women’s organizations and networks which advocates for the advancement of women’s human rights and gender…

IT for Change's Anita Gurumurthy was a panelist at a discussion on 'Feminist Internet -- An Alternative', co-organized by Breakthrough and Arthan.

This session was a part of a 2-day series…

IT for Change's Deepti Bharthur and Nandini Chami participated in a discussion about 'Digital Commons: Actions Research Perspectives' on Thursday, 10th Sept 2020, at 5:00 pm.

The discussion…

Anita Gurumurthy was a panelist at a one-day conference on “Internet Governance in India: People, Purpose and Process” organised by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic…

Anita Gurumurthy participated in a convention titled 'Built for Purpose: Charting the Future of Asia's Civil Society in Transformative Times' organised by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford…

Parminder Jeet Singh contributed to the plenary meeting on “Criticism of Globalisation in the Digital World: Big Data, Technology Giants and Counter-force”, organised by the Karibu Foundation as…

Gurumurthy Kasinanthan participated in a discussion about whether algorithms are here to stay, and how we can respond to the challenge of algorithmic injustice, organised by Open Democracy on 27th…