Round table on 'Inclusion in the network society – mapping development alternatives, forging research agendas'

In September 2014, IT for Change and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, co-organised a Round Table in Bengaluru titled 'Inclusion in the network society – mapping development alternatives, forging research agendas'. The Round Table brought together leading scholars, development practitioners and thinkers, interested in the theoretical and policy aspects of equity, inclusion and participation in the 'ICTs and development' domain.


Day 1, Round 1 : Beyond the buzz – meaning in meme-ing


Andrea Ordonez, Independent Researcher on Public Policy, Ecuador


Nishant Shah, Centre for Internet and Society, India


Baohua Zhou, Journalism School, Fudan University, China



Day 1, Round 2 : Collectivity in the space of flows – de-constructing / reconstructing ICTs and Development


Wallace Chigona, Department of Information Systems, University of Cape Town, South Africa


Sonia Randhawa, Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia


Eduardo Villanueva, Department of Communications, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru




Day 1, Round 3 : Knowledge regimes and development stories - whose reality, whose truth?


Biswajit Mohapatra, Department of Political Science, North-Eastern Hill University, India


Cristian Berrio-Zapata, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil


Tigist Hussen, Women's and Gender Studies Department, University of Western Cape, South Africa




Day 2, Round 4 : Development pathways in network circuits – disruption or assimilation?


Kathleen Diga, School of Built Environment & Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Christopher Foster and Mark Graham, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK


Dorothea Kleine, ICT4D Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK



Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami, IT for Change, India




Day 2, Round 5 : Hypervisible or invisible? - marginal discourses in network logic


Desiree Lewis, Women's and Gender Studies Department, University of Western Cape, South Africa


Nadine Moawad, Lebanon-based activist, Association for Progressive Communications


Roberto Bissio, Third World Institute, Uruguay




Day 2, Round 6 : Techno-power, state and citizen – old anxieties, new expressions


Sumandro Chattapadhyay, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India


Tim Davies, World Wide Web Foundation, Switzerland


Anjali K. Mohan, Institute of Information Technology - Bengaluru, India




Day 2, Round 7 : Open and inclusive – working the network


Michael Gurstein, Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training, Canada


Alex Gakuru, Creative Commons , Kenya


Michel Bauwens, Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives, Belgium


Day 3, Round 8 : Governing globality - can democracy rise up to the occasion?


Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa, South Africa


Prabir Purkhayastha, Knowledge Commons, India


Norbert Bollow, Just Net Coalition, Switzerland


Parminder Jeet Singh, IT for Change, India


Nikhil Dey, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sanghatan, India






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