A report of a workshop on 'A Possible Framework for Global Net Neutrality' at Internet Governance Forum

At the annual meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 2011 IT for Change co-organised a workshop  on 'A Possible Framework for Global Net Neutrality' along with Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus, Instituto Nupef, Brazil and Diplo Foundation. The workshop was intended to take stock of various global discussions on network neutrality, including at the earlier IGFs, and specifically explore if conditions and possibilities exist for developing a global framework on network neutrality. The panelists were Megan Richards from the European Commission, Vladimir Radunovic of Diplo Foundation, Nii Quaynor of University of Cape-Coast, Ghana, and Raman Jit Singh Cheema of Google, India. The workshop was moderated by Izumi Aizu and Parminder Jeet Singh of Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus.

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