Event reports

IT for Change and Luleå University of Technology organised a workshop on 'Technology, social process and gender in the information society' in Mysore (India) on 5-6 February 2007. The workshop took a systems approach that examined the intersecting grids of social and institutional change, gender transformative processes and techno-social models. The workshop aimed to look at ICT-induced change from different vantages, and attempted to synthesise gender perspectives in relation to contextual ICT-led models of social change.

IT for Change, with the support of the University of Manchester and Hivos, hosted a two-day workshop on the 9-10th March 2006 in Mysore (India). The purpose of the workshop exercise was to expose organisations working with poor women, and community leaders from amongst poor women’s groups in Karnataka, to the empowerment potential of ICTs.

IT for Change was part of a workshop on 'Audio visual resources for development: Moving towards open paradigms' in Bengaluru (India) on 15 June 2006. The workshop was aimed at initiating a policy dialogue on free sharing of audio visual (AV) development content aimed at grassroots interventions, so that these interventions can be strengthened.

IT for Change, DAWN, and the Centre for Public Policy organised a seminar on 'Gender Perspectives on the Information Society - South Asia' in Bengaluru (India) on 18-19 April 2005.

The workshop was organised by the WSIS Gender Caucus, IT for Change, UNDP Asia Pacific Gender Mainstreaming Programme, and the UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Programme, in partnership with IDRC and UNIFEM South Asia in Bangkok (Thailand) on 31 October 2001.

IT for Change along with APC WNSP, ISIS International Manila and DAWN organised a panel  titled "Governing digital spaces - The political economy of the information society and violence against women" at the 10th AWID International Forum on Women's Rights and Development held in Bangkok from the 27-30 October 2005. The proliferation of new technologies over the world has built upon and perpetuated neo-liberal market ideologies. In the dominant discourse of the information society, markets are seen as the obvious instrument for the diffusion of new technologies, over-riding the private-public-community balance. Of course, this rides on capitalist globalisation that exacerbates global inequality. Further, this impacts the production and exchange of information in serving the global public interest. The presentations made at the session examined the ways in which the Internet defies controls of legal/public institutions as understood through violence against women in/via digital spaces, and then articulated the need for alternative paradigms.
ITfC presented papers at two panels during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) at Geneva, Switzerland (10 December 2003). The first paper, "Globalised media and ICT systems", presents a feminist framework on globalisation, as well as going on to examine instances of militarism in the context of globalised media and ICTs. A feminist perspective on an alternate global ICT system is also provided.  

IT for Change, in collaboration with Mahiti and the Public Affairs Centre, organised a workshop on 'Advocacy in the Internet age – Exploring ways forward for the civil society' held on 27-30 January 2001 in Bengaluru (India).