IT for Change is collaborating with the NMKRV College for Women to conduct the “ICT Integrated Learning” Course as part of the four-year “Integrated B.Ed program” being offered by the college. The college is one of few pioneers to offer the 4-year Integrated B.A B.Ed and B.Sc B.Ed programs, which has been recommended by the National Education Policy 2020. IT for Change is conducting the ICT Integrated Learning course for all three semesters – first, third and fifth. Since the college is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the course is conducted in fully online mode.
The course consists of bi-weekly webinars for the students, using Webinar platform BigBlueButton, for synchronous sessions between the faculty and the student teachers, complemented by asynchronous course content sharing and transaction and assessment on the Moodle Learning Management System, and by a phone-group for quick communication. The course is seeing very active and enthusiastic participation from all the participants in both the synchronous and asynchronous learning activities.
The course objectives are:
To introduce Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) to student-teachers
To support student teachers in the creation of context-specific resources (Open Educational Resources) for their classrooms
To support student teachers to create lessons and resources using subject-specific applications for different methods
To create a community of teachers experienced in ICT integration in teaching-learning
The course includes a graded assessment wherein the progress of the students will be monitored based on the participation in activities like discussion forums as well on the assignment completion. The personal digital libraries that the students submit will be evaluated as part of the formative assessment.
Both Moodle and BBB have been installed on ITfC’s own server, as both are free and open-source (FOSS) platforms. This gives the institution full control over both the course offering as well as the data generated from the course.