Development and Democracy/Research


This paper examines the nature of e-governance in India, presents the implications of the changing nature of governance and state-citizen engagement particularly for groups at the margins, and makes suggestions for a digitalisation that strengthens participatory democracy in the country.


This paper, 'Digital Industrialisation in Developing Countries: A Review of the Business and Policy Landscape', developed for the Commonwealth Secretariat, London, examines, the nature of digital economy in a developing country context, focussing the study partly on Bengaluru, often called the…


At MC 11, the United States, Japan and European Union are actively pushing for a liberalised e-commerce regime that will reinforce the rules for trade set by the global North. Key to this dominant discourse is the persuasive rhetoric on free cross-…


IT for Change participated in The Voice or Chatter project from 2016 to 2017 as part of the Making All Voices Count (MAVC) consortium. The research network comprised collaborators from across the globe including South Africa, Philippines, India, Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay.…


IT for Change along with Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Digital Empowerment Foundation, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan and the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) organized a workshop on "Democratic Accountability in the Digital Age", between November 14-15th…


This paper examines and discuss these shifts in our contemporary democratic fabric by focusing on emerging technological practices in government. It explores key concerns, and articulates the gaps in current legal-policy measures necessary to promote participatory democracy in…


This paper summarises the key issues in the current digital governance scenario in India. It focusses on emerging technological practices in government and articulates the gaps in current legal-policy measures necessary to promote participatory democracy in the digital age.


Anita Gurumurthy represented IT for Change at the International Conference on “Labouring Women: Some Major Concerns at the Current Juncture” organised by the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from…


The UN Secretary General has issued a very important report on the SDGs process titled "The Road to Dignity for All: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet"

IT for Change submitted the…


Nandini.C represented IT for Change on the Panel 'Framing Development Justice' at the 2013 Asia Pacific Regional Consultation with Special Procedures Mandate Holders organised by APWLD, between October 27-29 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Table of Contents

Overall trends and developments in the area of e-governance in India

Brief history


IT for Change was one of the five civil society members of the 'Task Force for the Effective Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act' constituted by Department of Personal and Training, Government of India. IT for Change also led the sub group of the Task Force on digital…


At IT for Change (ITfC), we focus on a grounded analysis and exploration of the possibilities that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer for development interventions, especially in the areas of governance, gender and education. We have endeavoured to…


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IT for Change was asked to comment on the Final Report of the Research Project 'Mediating Voices and Communicating Realities – Using Information Crowdsourcing Tools, Open Data Initiatives and Digital Media to Support and Protect the Vulnerable and Marginalised' by Evangelia…


IT for Change organised a panel with IKME at the EADI/DSA General Conference on 'Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty' which was held in York (United Kingdom) on 19-22 September 2011. The panel was titled 'How are Digital Technologies Transforming…