

This case study is a part of the broader research study Locating gender in ICTD projects: five cases from India, undertaken by IT for Change, which sought to understand how principles promoting women’s inclusion and gender sensitivity can be incorporated into Information and…


This case study is a part of the broader research study Locating gender in ICTD projects: five cases from India, undertaken by IT for Change, which sought to understand how principles promoting women's inclusion and gender sensitivity can be incorporated into Information and…


This case study is a part of the broader research study Locating gender in ICTD projects: five cases from India, undertaken by IT for Change, which sought to understand how principles promoting women’s inclusion and gender sensitivity can be incorporated into Information and…


This paper was contributed for a report prepared for the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID) Global Forum on Access and Connectivity in least developed countries and small islands developing states in Asia/Pacific and innovative financing…


Anita Gurumurthy presented a paper titled, 'The local-global connection in the information society: Some tentative formulations around gender, development and social change' at a London School of Economics seminar in May 2007 which focused on 'Gender and work in the global…


This meeting, organised by IT for Change, the Association for Progressive Communications, the International Women’s Tribune Centre, ISIS International, and Gloria Bonder (General Coordinator of the Regional UNESCO Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America), was held…

This publication showcases perspectives that critique the engagement with new technologies in various development sectors such as the media, work and economy and governance.

Prepared for the International Know How Conference (Mexico, 2006), this presentation details innovative directions for the discourse on development and women’s rights.

It suggests that the digital gender gap is seen at its widest in feminist silences in public…

Written and produced in collaboration with partners, the Bridge Cutting Edge Packs provide accessible overviews of the latest thinking on a gender theme and summaries of the most useful resources. Each pack includes an Overview Report, a Supporting Resources Collection and a copy of Gender and…

In August 2012, IT for Change was approached by the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), for inputs to their research on "Role of e-Government to Promote Gender Equality in the Asia Pacific". Our submission argues for the need to move beyond the blind spot of…

This discussion paper argues that the omnipresence of the digital demands a re-evaluation of legal-institutional response to violence against women. The networked logic of the Internet, and social media platforms that overrun it bank upon virality, effectively…

This is a summary report from IT for Change, presenting the key research insights arising out of the 5 research projects and 6 think-pieces commissioned as part of the CITIGEN programme.

Read the summary report.