Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
Anita Gurumurthy was a panelist at an international conference organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) to reflect on “Feminist Visions for the Future of Work” with experts from trade unions, social movements and progressive feminist academics from Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. The goal was to enrich the debates with a broader, more inclusive and feminist perspective. What changes would we like to see in our economies and development models? How can we organize paid and unpaid labour under the new conditions in a more equal way? What strategies can we think of to deal with the potential negative impacts of digitalization and platform economies? And how can we profit from opportunities for better working conditions, living wages and better life quality for workers and especially for women? Are there major blind spots in regard to the Future of Work from a feminist perspective? What alliances would be useful and needed?
The meeting aimed to create a space to share experiences and analysis on the impacts of the changing world of work from diverse perspectives.