The course Re-wiring Women's Rights Debates in the Digital Age was organised in New Delhi between 13-15 September 2014, by IT for Change in partnership with Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan and ANANDI, with funding support from IDRC, Canada and UN Women Fund for Gender Equality. The course brought together women's rights advocates – research scholars and practitioners, in a dialogic space, with opportunities to interact with policy makers, leading scholars, women's rights organisations and change-makers.
The key thematic areas of the course are:
(a) Recasting women's rights in the age of networks
(b) Understanding data-centred governance systems
(c) Harnessing the digital opportunity for women's empowerment
The course brought together women's rights advocates – research scholars and practitioners, in a dialogic space.
Day 1
Session 1: Living in a Networked World What does it mean for Women's Rights?
A conversation with
Rohini Lakshane, Centre for Internet and Society
Dhruv Arora,
Sowmya Kidambi, Director of the Society for Social Audit, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Host: Anita Anand, feminist scholar-practitioner
Session 2:Reflections on Technology and Transformation
Naurthi ji, Grassroots leader of MKSS
Nikhil Dey, MKSS
Day 2
Session 3: Fundas for Thought: A Tour of Technology and Society
Roshini Suparna Diwakar, IT for Change
Session 4: Women's Citizenship in the Age of Networks
Panel discussion with
Aaditeshwar Seth, Gram Vaani
Laxmi Sharma and Poorvi Bhargava, Khabar Lahariya
Kruti Laheru, Kutch Mahila Vikas Sanghathan
Chair: Sarada Muraleedharan, Department of Panchayati Raj
Session 5: Why Should we care about Technology Architectures?
Lecture by
Prabir Purkayastha, Society for Knowledge Commons
Chair and discussant: Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
Session 6: New Dimensions of the State-Citizen Relationship
Panel discussion with
Sumandro Chattapadhyay, Sarai, CSDS
Satyarupa Shekhar, Transparent Chennai
Chair and discussant: Parminder Jeet Singh, IT for Change
Session 7: Challenges to Gender Justice in the Era of Media Convergence
Lecture by
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Journalist and Documentary Film-maker
Chair and discussant: Anuradha Raman, Journalist, with Outlook
Session 8: Synthesis by
Rohini Lakshane, Centre for Internet and Society
Jahnvi Andharia, ANANDI
Nandini Chami, IT for Change
Session 9: Group Exercise to take stock - Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas for Women's Rights and Citizenship in the Digital Age, Presentations and Discussions
Day 3
Session 10: How Can Women Meaningfully Appropriate Digital Technologies? New Directions for 'Digital Literacy'
Panel discussion with
Venu Arora, Ideosync Media Combine
Kamayani Bali Mahabal, lawyer and activist
Stalin K, Director, Video Volunteers
Chair and discussant: Sejal Dand, Right to Food Campaign
Session 11: Re-wiring Women's Rights in the Digital Age: Key Questions for Policy and Practice
Lecture by
Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
Session 12: Group Work: New strategies and directions for women's organisations and New legal, policy and programmatic directions for state institutions
Session 13: Group Presentations
Responses from Policy Makers and the UN
Sulochana Vasudevan, National Mission for Empowerment of Women
Officials from Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Kaushal Kishore, Department of Telecommunications
Subhalakshmi Nandi, UN Women
Read more about the course at: