
The report is a critical review of IFC investments in EdTech with recommendations to IFC, Union and state governments and civil society on EdTech funding, policy and program.

Executive Summary…

This think-piece explores the development implications of using algorithmic scoring models as tools of financial inclusion. It aims to engage with the use of such models not as a technological…

India’s Budget 2022 presents digital infrastructure as key to economic recovery for the pandemic-hit economy. Several proposals suggest the ambition for digital resilience: Universal last-mile…

This impact study conducted by Centre for Social Initiative & Management (CSIM) examines IT for Change's Phase 3 of Teachers' Community of Learning (TCOL) program, during May 2018 to May…

In the landmark case from 2018, Justice K. S. Puttaswamy vs Union Of India, the Supreme Court pitched Aadhaar-enabled welfare delivery as a promising move that can eliminate leakages in service…

For-profit edtech needs to be banned, and the government must play an active regulatory role.

After a Congress member of Parliament from Tamil Nadu highlighted the unethical practices of…

This is an electronic interview conducted between Anita Gurumurthy and The Quint, India on cybercrime in India and its larger cause in the wake of the 'bulli bai' app incident in January, 2022.…

We are excited to publish a brand new issue paper under our collaborative Feminist Digital Justice project with DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era).

Read it here!

Whether it the food people eat, the school children attend, or getting the much needed vaccines, in all walks of our daily lives, UN multilateral institutions play a key role in guaranteeing or…

Our research associate, Khawla Zainab, along with Kriangsak Teerawitkajorn from the Just Economy and Labour Institute (JELI) were part of the third episode of the second season of the Gig Podcast…