IT for Change


Drawing from IT for Change’s work, this submission provides an overview of legislative and judicial developments in India with respect to online violence against women. It offers an analysis of the government’s…


In our response to the timely consultation paper by TRAI on  Privacy, Security and Ownership of the Data in the Telecom Sector we advocate for a broad spectrum of safeguarded data including 'collective/social data' in light of its commercial value. The paper recognizes that consent based ownership frameworks are inadequate for various reasons…


IT for Change contributed to the 'call for submission on online violence against women' by the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović. The paper provides a state of play of the legislative, judicial and executive response to violence against women in India and highlights emerging…



The National Dialogue on Gender-based Cyber Violence seeks to move beyond sensationalism, and enable a systematic stocktaking of the issue from a feminist standpoint, through panel discussions with leading scholar-practitioners, student presentations, and creative student-led events.



Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change (, in collaboration with Vijaya Teachers College, is transacting a certificate course on “Integrating ICT in teacher education” for faculty from Bachelors of Education programs in colleges of Bengaluru. The course is offered in a blended mode, with learning…


Amrita Vasudevan is speaking at a panel at the Digital Citizen Summit, 2017 on 22nd September 2017. The panel will reflect on “Regulating search engines: Competition, free speech and human rights”.


Amrita Vasudevan participated in the Regional Meeting of the EROTICS South Asia Network held in September 2017 in Negombo, Sri Lanka. The meeting aimed to facilitate the building of cross-movement alliances, between Internet rights and sexual rights activists.


Anita Gurumurthy is participating in the Communication for Social Change conceptual hackathon, Loughborough University, London, between 20-21 September 2017.


Platforms are to the network age what the factory was to the industrial revolution. From popular imagination to research activity, there is a palpable sense of a new turn in economic reorganization, implicating productivity, growth, jobs and skills in the future economy. The dominant mood is about innovation and opportunity. However, there is a…


With the support of the South Asia Women’s Fund, the Prakriye field centre of IT for Change initiated a year-long capacity-building programme for strengthening the agency, autonomy and leadership of 85 adolescent girls in rural Mysore, in March 2016 -- Dhwanigalu. This training programme effectively combines traditional and technology-mediated…