Anita Gurumurthy


Digitalization is rapidly changing the economic landscape. Advances in platformization and AI have thrown up a range of new realities to contend with respect to the future of work and workers’ rights. ‘Gigification’ and servicification of multiple sectors has proliferated non-standard employment arrangements and…


IT for Change was invited to present an expert paper at the Expert Group Meeting convened by UN Women in preparation for CSW 67, with its priority theme of “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.

The starting point of this paper,…


To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Tenure Guidelines on sustainable governance adopted by the Committee on World Food Security, FIAN International and the Working Group on Land and Territories of the IPC – a coalition of social movements working on food sovereignty and the Right to Food – will release a series of country-specific case…


Oversight Board is an external, independent body created by Meta that people can appeal to if they disagree with Meta’s content enforcement decisions on Facebook or Instagram. Out of the appeals it receives, the Case Selection Committee of the Board will select the cases that the Board will hear based on some criteria that it sets (e.g.,…


The European Commission’s proposal for a European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade – an important milestone towards a foundation for our shared digital world – reflects a predictable unease. It mirrors the fraught politics of our times; the tall order to recover the planet and people from the insatiable profit…


The context of society- and economy-wide platformization and an expanding spectrum of platform workplaces necessitates a re-think of labor rights at the intersection of data, data-enabled algorithms, and work process reorganization. This working paper takes stock of emerging debates in this frontier domain of workers’ data rights, evaluating…


Through this policy brief, our colleagues ask us to think beyond the current exploitative digital paradigm & re-imagine the rules of development, distribution, & use of tech, based on a feminist social contract grounded in human rights, social justice, & gender equality.

We're thrilled that this document was included in the…


The 23rd working paperfor Data Governance Network by Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami presents the building blocks of an economic governance regime for data that can contribute to the growth of the digital economy by unlocking the potential of data. The de facto enclosure of data by platform monopolies not only creates a skewed market place…


India’s Budget 2022 presents digital infrastructure as key to economic recovery for the pandemic-hit economy. Several proposals suggest the ambition for digital resilience: Universal last-mile broadband connectivity, DESH-Stack e-portal for digital enskillment and jobs, delivery of hi-tech services to farmers, and digitalied backbones for…


Anita Gurumurthy, Khawla Zainab, and Sadhana Sanjay conducted a study of Indian women workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) in the post-pandemic moment, and this research report extensively lays out its rationale, process, and findings. Through a qualitative study based on interviews with AMT workers, the report shows how an intertwining of…