Internet governance


The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement whose negotiating partners include the ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and India, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan and South Korea.The RCEP negotiations have been clandestine, but the leaked text has raised concerns about,…


Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami authored two issue papers for Association for Progressive Communication's research series on 'Internet and ICTs for social justice and development'. The papers examine a history of feminist engagement with development and digital technologies, and chalk out future directions for feminist advocacy in relation…


IT for Change submitted comments to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on the Consultation Paper on Net Neutrality. We urge the development of "Core Principles of Net Neutrality" based on human rights, equity and social justice.

The Internet must be claimed as a level playing field that…


This background paper developed for South Centre, Geneva, highlights how developing countries need to develop competencies and skills in global diplomacy around digital trade, and shape new geopolitical strategies, moving beyond narrow lenses of IT industry concerns or ICTs for development. Data is the new raw material that…


This statement, developed by the Internet Social Forum community calls for a greater engagement by social justice organizations, activists and people's movements in different areas with those working in the area of progressive Intenret and digital policies. Working together is required in order
to reclaim the Internet so that it can truly…


IT for Change made a submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in response to the call for comments on the Pre-Consultation Paper on Cloud Computing. The response at the outset stresses that any discussions on the digital, like cloud computing, must be made in awareness of the fact that the digital is…


Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director, IT for Change was a Panelist at the IGF 2016 Main Session, Connecting Human Rights - Emphasising Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the Internet. In her intervention, she stressed the critical imperative to move beyond the binary of the online and offline, in our imaginary of rights…


Anita Gurumurthy, representing IT for Change, was nominated to speak at the Opening Session of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at Guadalajara, Mexico on 6th December, 2016. In her address, Anita highlighted the growing unfreedoms of a datafied world and the urgent need for social movements to come together to develop an…


Statement issued by 8 Indian civil society organisations, supported by two key global networks, involved with Internet governance issues, to the meeting of ICANN in Hyderabad, India, from 3 rd to 9 th November, 2016


The article critically examines US government's withdrawal from direct oversight over ICANN, and argues that the jurisdictional controls over ICANN that the US retains means that ICANN can hardly be said to have become independent of the US state.

The article suggest that a good interim measure for getting such…