Advocacy statements


IT for Change participated in the National Consultation for reviewing the Zero draft of the Agreed Conclusions of the 61st Session of the CSW, convened by Programme on Women's Economic Social and Cultural Rights (PWESCR) in February 2017. The submission highlights the need to work towards the larger agenda of building a…


IT for Change made a submission, in response to the Call for Inputs from the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a Human Rights perspective. Our submission recognises that the gender divide is not a technical issue of connectivity but a political issue…


IT for Change submitted comments on the draft general comment on state obligations under the ICESCR in the context of business activities. The submission asserted the need for an immediate and appropriate regulatory response to platform-companies, who have increasingly become key actors in every sector.


IT for Change supported the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM) in developing their critique of the Draft Ministerial Declaration of the High Level Political Forum (2017), on follow up and review of progress towards Agenda 2030. The theme of this years' review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is "Eradicating…


Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director, IT for Change was invited to be part of a committee to make recommendations to the Government of Karnataka on the issue of violence against women for a 10 point strategy that the state proposes to adopt. As follow up to the meeting, IT for Change made a submission, focussed mainly on the…


A free and open technology environment* is essential to support participation and shared ownership, pre-requisites for a democratic and equitable information society. ITfC has consistently advocated with public institutions, including governments, academic institutions and civil society organizations to adopt open licensing for the resources…


IT for Change made a submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India in response to the call for comments on the Pre-Consultation Paper on Cloud Computing. The response at the outset stresses that any discussions on the digital, like cloud computing, must be made in awareness of the fact that the digital is…


Statement issued by 8 Indian civil society organisations, supported by two key global networks, involved with Internet governance issues, to the meeting of ICANN in Hyderabad, India, from 3 rd to 9 th November, 2016


Article 19 called for a public consultation on Principles on Privacy and Freedom of Expression. IT for Change submitted comments to the Draft Principles. Our inputs emphasized: the need to re-formulate the concept of personal data in times of Big Data analysis, algorithms and interlinking of databases; safeguards to protect…


IT for Change made a submission to the Call for Comments on the draft update of General Recommendation No.19 (1992) on gender based violence against women, issued by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Our suggestions stress the need to account for the equivalence of the effects of offline and technology-mediated…