Curriculum inputs


IT for Change designed and conducted a program for the teachers from the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (KREIS).  80 teachers, who taught Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Kannada, English, Hindi and Physical Education participated in the program.

The aim was to introduce teachers to creative teaching methods…


As a part of the Karnataka Subject Teacher Forum program, working with teachers, ITfC developed OER for high school subjects in English and in Kannada. Since OER in Hindi will be required for teachers from the northern part of India, ITfC team worked with translation experts to develop key OER in Hindi. This included participating in developing…


IT for Change was invited by NCERT to be part of the Committee to review the Class 9 ICT text book, and participated in a workshop at NCERT, Delhi during June 2018. ITfC provided inputs from our experiencesin the state-wide teacher development and curriculum design programs in Karnataka and Telangana.

Similar to the text book developed…


The Department of IT, Government of Rajasthan is developing a 'Jana Suchana' portal. The aim of this portal is to provide a 'panchayat' centric view to citizens, in which all the support agencies/departments information work/programs for the specified geography would be provided. This helps move the information system paradigm from MIS (…


The paper is the documentation of the ‘Digital Storytelling’ (DST) project run by the authors with teachers and students in seven different goverment high schools. This academic process of creating digital stories and using them in several educational endevours are the central theme of this paper.

India is seen to have…


Gurumurthy is the convenor of the syllabus development committee of ICT Mediation paper in the revised D.El.Ed syllabus for Karnataka.  Originally developed in 2012, this paper has now been revised to reflect the experiences from Subject Teacher Forum and the Teachers' Community of Learning programs implemented in Karnataka.  The ICT Mediation…


As a part of the its implementation of its ICT program in schools, the department of School Education is working on developing the Telangana Repository of Open Educational Resources (TROER) web portal, which will be the Telangana State portal of OER, on the lines of the National Repository of OER (NROER).

IT for Change worked with the…


IT for Change helped the Telangana Department of School Education to develop the ICT syllabus and textbook for high school and higher primary school students, and the corresponding teacher handbook, with support from CIET (NCERT) and CEMCA. This is the first such effort based on the National ICT Curriculum, 2013. The textbook emphasises…


IT for Change in collaboration with Azim Premji University and  Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - India Office organised a course 'Re-conceptualising Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in a Plaformising Society' on 17th and 18th August 2018.

Essential background readings for the course


Gurumurthy, IT for Change was a member in the Committee constituted by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) to deliberate on recommendations 8 and 12 of the Justice Verma Commission report. Recommendation No 8 is that “the first professional degree in Teacher Education be only face to face mode”, and recommendation 12 is "Faculty…