SAMVADA is a youth-focused organization based in Bengaluru that has been working towards building youth leadership, equipping youth in socially critical livelihoods, promoting youth work, and advocating for youth rights. Samvada is organizing a National Consultation on 'Aligning Youth Work with Livelihood Challenges' on 10th and 11th December, 2021 in Bangalore and Anita Gurumurthy was invited as the key note speaker for the theme on 'Gig economy and the faceless employer'.
Among the many challenges that youth face today, the precarity of livelihoods has become a pressing issue. Covid-19 pandemic as well as the pre-pandemic policies have only exacerbated this, taking a massive toll on young people’s employment, drastically affecting their earnings and ability to support their families and community. Given this context, as youth workers, it becomes imperative to re-examine our approach to livelihoods.
This consultation is an attempt to bring together youth focused organizations, youth workers and other experts to understand and collectively deliberate on livelihood related challenges that youth are experiencing today as well as share possible approaches and interventions including policies being adopted to support youth in accessing dignified livelihoods that are sustainable and ensure social mobility.
Out of the six themes, Anita Gurumurthy was invited to speak on "Gig economy and the faceless employer" focusing on:
-What has led to the emergence and growth of the gig economy?
- Has the gig economy created new employment opportunities for young people?
- What kinds of new employment relationships and economic arrangements/ entities has the gig economy promoted? How has this shaped the livelihood experiences of young people in the gig economy?
- What are the unique risks and hazards experienced by young workers in the gig economy?