Even though the pandemic exposed the deep injustice of our economic and social system, it failed to trigger needed change. More than two years on, the health crisis continues, compounded by spiraling food and energy prices, escalating wars and geopolitical tensions, and ever more signs of environmental collapse. How can progressive forces better understand these dynamics and improve our strategies to achieve system change? To answer this and many other questions, Transnational Institute is conducting its State of the World Conference from 14-17 September 2022. The conference will present an opportunity to hear some of the best scholar-activists worldwide with a truly internationalist analysis of the state of the world.
Anita Gurumurthy has been invited to speak at the conference during a session titled “Digital capitalism: the new frontier” on September 16 at 3.30 pm IST.
The session will explore the following questions: How is digitalization changing capitalism or entrenching it? Why is its infrastructure so colonial? How will the expansion of the digital frontier shape geopolitics and resource conflicts? How do we forge a different path that collectively resists this?
The other speakers participating in the session include Miriyam Aouragh, Seda Gürses, Nick Couldry, and Jack Qiu. The session will be moderated by Sofia Scasserra.
Register for the event here.
You can view the recording of the session here.