Research papers

In this project, IT for Change, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), and country partners unpack how micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) participation in the global economy

IT for Change invites applications for think pieces under the project, ‘Re-wiring India’s Digitalising

IT for Change is pleased to announce the second edition of its National Gender Fellowship under the project, ‘

The National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) undertook a study of poor households in Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil Nadu to understand the live

Data cooperatives offer an alternative to the enclosure of data in digitalized agricultural supply chains by large agri-tech platforms.

This baseline report, conducted as part of IT for Change’s broader partnership with LabourNet under the ‘

Digital labour platforms function in markets through “ma

Anita Gurumurthy, Nandini Chami, Amay Korjan, Eshani Vaidya, Sandeep Radhakrsihnan, and Merrin Muhammed Ashraf, prepared inputs that fed into UNCTAD’s Issue Paper on Data for Develop