On May 5th, 2010, Anita Gurumurthy represented IT for Change at the IDRC Public Panel on 'The Potential of Open Development for Canada and Abroad'. The event held in Ottawa, Canada, was a panel discussion on issues such as unequal access to technology, threats to privacy, and intellectual property rights. Panelists examined…

May 14-15 2010: Jaipur- 'What is Free Software and why is it relevant to you?'

May 18-19 2010: Delhi- 'What is Free Software and why is it relevant to you?'

May 27-29, 2010: Kochi, Kerala- Software in Public Sector, with focus on Public Education'

With about 10 days left for the deadline on pre-proposals for the Gender and Citizenship in the Information Society Program, we are rather hopeful that there will be in the next few days, a steady email flow of applications. Indeed, the past month after the launch of the Program has been exciting. We have had discussions with…

The Teacher's Communities of Learning Project aims to initiate computer aided learning in Government School Classrooms as well as introduce the idea of teachers networks among 35-40 teachers in one of the blocks in Bangalore. The project began in March with an orientation workshop where we introduced teachers to the…