Nandini Chami


The emergent information or network society context  offers a range of opportunities for women and girls to enhance their participation across economic, socio-cultural and public-political realms of life, as well as the scope for enhancing their individual freedoms. The Post-2015 Agenda therefore, both in terms of goals and related targets and…


IT for Change's research study on 'Exploring an institutional model for Samudaya Jnana Kendras (Community Knowledge Centres)' explores the possibility of setting up state-initiated, community knowledge centres ( Samudaya Jnana Kendras) in various rural locations across the state of Karnataka. This study which was carried out…

Nandini Chami and Amrita Vasudevan

The theme for this year’s High-Level Political Forum is “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world”. And surely, the HLPF cannot chart out an effective programme of action, without accounting for the shifts stemming from pervasive digitalisation and datafication of key domains of…

Prescriptions for women’s empowerment in the dominant rhetoric

Global and plurilateral trade negotiations are currently suffused with over-optimistic readings about the promise of the digital revolution for women’s economic empowerment. Unlocking the transformative potential of digital technologies is viewed as a simple matter of…

1. Looking beyond the status-quo 


The digital revolution that initially promised to be a socio-economic leveller has ironically become the harbinger of a new global socio-economic order of unprecedented exploitation and injustice. The Internet is a far cry from the plural, diverse and democratic communication…

Despite the popularity of “data for development” in global policy circles, we are still far from a data revolution capable of promoting equitable and sustainable development. Available data may not be sufficiently “big” or representative to address “wicked” development problems, and the collective right to development and self-determination may…

This discussion paper argues that the omnipresence of the digital demands a re-evaluation of legal-institutional response to violence against women. The networked logic of the Internet, and social media platforms that overrun it bank upon virality, effectively rendering ineffectual notions of 'consent'. The paper…

This is a summary report from IT for Change, presenting the key research insights arising out of the 5 research projects and 6 think-pieces commissioned as part of the CITIGEN programme.

Read the summary report.

On April 28, 2012, I attended a meeting organised by CIVIC Bengaluru on 'An analysis of proactive disclosures of seven departments or service agencies under Section 4(1) of the Right to Information Act 2005'. The meeting was called to disseminate the findings of a research study which CIVIC Bengaluru…

A week ago, I was in Gangavati taluk of Koppal District, as part of ITfC's research study on “Developing an institutional design for Community Knowledge Centres”, for the Karnataka Knowledge Commission. The study aims to develop an appropriate design for centres at the village level, which can…