Internet governance


Parminder Jeet Singh was invited by the South Centre, the Geneva-based inter-governmental thinktank, to address the developing country diplomats on global Internet-related policies and the appropriate institutional mechanisms for this purpose. The specific focus of the meeting, that took place on 23rd April, 2012, was the upcoming one day…


Study Visit for Mongolian delegation on e-governance in India , November 18-26 2011

Between 18th and 26th November 2011, IT for Change in partnership with LoGin South Asia organised a study visit on e-governance for a 17 member delegation from Mongolia, led by the Deputy Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat Mr.…


IT for Change wrote a paper titled 'A development agenda in Internet Governance - Outlining global public policy issues and exploring new institutional options' for the IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa) seminar on global Internet Governance that took place on 1-2 September 2011 at Fundação Getulio Vargas, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The event…


At the annual meeting of the UN Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 2011 IT for Change co-organised a workshop  on 'A Possible Framework for Global Net Neutrality' along with Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus, Instituto Nupef, Brazil and Diplo Foundation. The workshop was intended to take stock…


Read this statement by Mr. Dushyant Singh (Hon'ble Member of Parliament, India) on India's proposal for a United Nations Committee for Internet-Related Policies (CIRP)


Framing a development agenda for Internet governance has been a key policy research area for IT for Change. The Internet is transforming power relationships at all levels, and therefore, geopolitical and geo-economic relationships. Developed countries, led by the US, where almost all of global digital big business is centred…


The Heads of the States of IBSA acknowledged the importance of the IBSA Dialogue Forum as an instrument to promote coordination on global issues and deliberated on a few topics that are recorded in the Tshwane declaration. The Rio seminar also accepted to set up an IBSA Internet Governance and Development Observatory, which…


In the Rio Recommendations government representatives of India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) advocate for the creating a new UN agency to look into global Internet governance issues. In this context, it was agreed that the models proposed by the Working Group on Internet Governance in 2005 provided useful guidelines for…


IT for Change participated as one of the five civil society members of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development's Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (WGIIGF). IT for Change submitted two input papers arguing that processes need to be developed to strengthen the IGF for more…


IT for Change helped prepare India's submission for the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development's Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum (WGIIGF). The submission has some concrete set of IGF reform proposals and helped shape the discussions of the WGIIGF.