

Read the final version of the policy on ICTS in School Education

In January 2008, MHRD released a draft policy on ICTs in school education. This policy, created by a committee that included big businesses interested in the 'ICT in education' space was hugely problematic; in a way looking at education…


MHRD released a draft note on 'Public Private Partnership in school education' in October 2009.

The note made several assumptions about the inherent superiority of the private sector, and seemed to suggest that government school system has not worked and private schools are a systemic option.

IT for Change helped bring together…


2008 - National Policy on ICT in School Education - first draft

In January 2008, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) released a draft National policy on ICTs in school education. This policy, drafted by a committee that included big businesses interested in the 'ICT in education' space was hugely problematic. The draft…


ITfC is partnering with the APC and UNDP amongst others to establish a Community of Expertise (CoE) on ICT Policy and Finance for Social, Community and Public Entrepreneurship under the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID).