

On 10 December 2010, IT for Change was part of the panel on 'Logging into (in)security: a seminar on ICT and gender violence' which was held in Chennai (India) and closed Prajnya's 16-day campaign against gender violence. Chloé Zollman spoke about how, beyond narratives of fear, ICTs could be empowering tools to build…


Anita Gurumurthy (IT for Change) represented IT for Change at the IDRC Public Panel on ‘The potential for open development for Canada and abroad’ held in Ottawa (Canada) on 5 May 2010. The panel discussion addressed issues such as unequal access to technology, threats to privacy, and intellectual property rights, examining…


MHRD released a draft note on 'Public Private Partnership in school education' in October 2009.

The note made several assumptions about the inherent superiority of the private sector, and seemed to suggest that government school system has not worked and private schools are a systemic option.

IT for Change helped bring together…


This article, published in the Economic and Political Weekly  (3 October 2009), is a report of the consultation on the 'Misuse of Communication Technology and Its Linkages with Violence against Women' held in Trivandrum (India) in March 2009. The article advocates that policy choices  need to avoid narratives of fear around…


This three-day event, called ‘The Daughters of Fire’, was organised by Vimochana and the Asian women’s Human Rights Council in July 2009 at Christ University, Bengaluru (India). The presentation focused on the theoretical framework examining media-related constructs and critiques of the 'new' public sphere through the lens of…


IT for Change (ITfC) organised two panels at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held in November 2009, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The overall theme of IGF 2009 was 'Internet Governance – Creating Opportunities for All'.

The first panel was about 'Multistakeholderism at the IGF: Assessing impact on…

Paper presented for the Commission on Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues of  the World IT Forum (WITFOR). The presentation emphasises the gender gap not just in terms of connectivity to the internet, but also access to the sophistication of ICTs. Identifying various factors detrimental to women's interests, it also critiques the closed nature of…

Anita Gurumurthy wrote a note for the Sakhi-Jagori Consultation on 'New technologies and new forms of violence against women and girls' that took place in Trivandrum (Kerala, India) on 27-28 March 2009. The note identifies emerging debates around personhood and privacy, on the one hand, and normative structures in emerging…


At the 2009 Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development (ICTD), IT for Change organised a panel  titled 'Tracing the genealogy of ICTD research: Premises, predispositions, and paradoxes of a field in the making'. As a field in the making, ICTD is situated right at the centre of an unfolding…


2008 - National Policy on ICT in School Education - first draft

In January 2008, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) released a draft National policy on ICTs in school education. This policy, drafted by a committee that included big businesses interested in the 'ICT in education' space was hugely problematic. The draft…