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The Centre for Education and Technology works on participatory and emancipatory teacher education, in partnership with teacher education institutions. Our field projects focus on teacher educator professional development integrating digital technologies for connecting, creating, collaborating and learning.

The Centre for Education and Technology works on participatory and emancipatory teacher education and school development models, in partnership with public education systems. Our field projects focus on teacher professional development by integrating digital technologies for connecting, creating, collaborating for learning, at school, district and state levels.

The Centre for Education and Technology works at school levels, to integrate digital technologies for classroom teaching, teacher professional development and school institution building. The Teachers’ Communities of Learning, networks teachers in these schools to build block wide networks of seeking and sharing of ideas, experiences and resources.

The Centre for Education and Technology works on participatory and emancipatory teacher education, in partnership with teacher education institutions. Our practice and our research inform the blended courses we offer with academic institutions, for teachers and teacher educators.

Since 2015, ITfC has been working with the Telangana Department of Education, to develop state-wide professional learning communities of mathematics and science teachers.

In February 2017, with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), IT for Change and Azim Premji University organised a short course on The Gendered Digital, to introduce participants to feminist perspectives on emerging debates at the intersection of digital technologies and development.