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The Centre for Education and Technology works on a broad range of  research, policy advocacy, network building and field projects projects in the area of ICT and Education, with the aim of building  participatory and emancipatory teacher education and school development models.

The Centre for Education and Technology engages with Departments of Technical Education (DTE) to help them adopt FOSS educational applications, to make digital technologies more accessible to the learners.  Adopting FOSS in higher education has the potential to improve livelihood possibilities, provide a sophisticated and current technology environment.

Our practice and our research on participatory and emancipatory teacher education and school development models inform our inputs to national and state curriculum programs. The Centre for Education and Technology has been invited to contribute to the curriculum, syllabi and text book projects of Karnataka, Telangana and NCERT.

To push the boundaries of Southern scholarship on the information society and ICTD domains, IT for Change undertook the ‘Information Society for the South’ research programme (2005-10). With support from the International Development Research Centre (Canada), a series of research papers and policy briefs exploring information society issues from a political economy perspective were produced.

In February 2014, IT for Change and Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities organised a short course on Social Justice in an Internet-mediated World, for research scholars and development practitioners.

IT for Change has actively tracked internet governance debates in India, convening civil society dialogues on digital rights, authoring policy briefs for leading journals, and writing in the media.

The Internet Social Forum (ISF) is a thematic forum of the World Social Forum that was announced at the WSF, March 2015 when over 100 civil society organisations came together to support a call for a people’s Internet free of surveillance, corporate control and governmental abuse of power. As a lead up to the global ISF, a series of regional forums is planned.

Dissemination about the work of IT for Change, through interviews, reports etc.

IT for Change has been active in the UN IGF, organising workshops, speaking at Opening, Closing and Main Sessions, and engaging with the Dynamic Coalitions. Our interventions have focused on the areas of equitable access architectures, democratic global governance frameworks for the Internet, human rights on the Internet, and social justice in the platform economy.