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In April 2017, with support from the International Development Research Centre, Canada, IT for Change initiated a multi-country research study to map the key issues/concerns for the rights and inclusion agenda, stemming from pervasive platformisation. Through a detailed analysis of digital platforms, the project seeks to garner insights about key policy implications on access to data, competition, economic opportunity, and innovation.

IT for Change has been actively engaging with the debate on privacy and data protection in India, that has gained traction in the context of the unique citizen ID/ Aadhaar project of the government. Through our media articles, we have emphasised the public value of privacy, and foregrounded the importance of framing privacy as a 'positive' right.

The Centre for Education and Technology advocates, and facilitates  public institutions to  adopt Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and to support an ecology for the production and wide scale deployment of FOSS within public institutions and systems, specially those in Education, in India.

The Centre for Education and Technology’s research projects focus on cutting edge issues of ICT integration in education - collaborative OER models, professional learning communities of teachers and free and open technologies. The Centre also conducts evaluation of government and non-government ICT programs in education.

In September 2014, IT for Change organised a short course to help women’s rights practitioners and gender studies scholars appreciate new issues/challenges emerging for gender equality in digital times. The course focused on three main aspects: (a) Recasting women's rights in the age of networks, (b) Understanding data-centred governance systems, and (c) Harnessing the digital opportunity for women's empowerment.

IT for Change has been engaged in policy advocacy for ICTs, in line with the demands for accountable governance and community participation envisaged by social movements on the Right to Information in India.

In September 2014, IT for Change and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, jointly organised a Round Table in Bengaluru titled 'Inclusion in the network society – mapping development alternatives, forging research agendas'. The Round Table brought together 28 development practitioners and thinkers, interested in the theoretical and policy aspects of equity, inclusion and participation in the ICTD domain.

IT for Change has been actively part of global and national advocacy process in the lead-up to the SDGs as well as the review processes that followed the adoption of Agenda 2030. Our interventions have consistently  highlighted how ICTs are not just a means of implementation but a new global paradigm necessitating the reinterpretation of all SDG targets.