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IT for Change led a multi-country research study on mapping the conditions under which ICT mediated citizen engagement can transform democracy, with support from the Making All Voices Count consortium. Together with a state-of-art-analysis of the policy context, a case study of one micro-level initiative of digitalised citizen participation was carried out in nine countries across Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.

IT for Change’s work on women and the digital economy has focussed on the discourse and structure of women’s participation as active agents in digital economy, interrogating the neo-liberal moorings of the network-data complex.

In 2014, the World Wide Web Foundation (WWW) in collaboration with SIDA launched 'ICTs for Empowerment of Women and Girls', a 12-month research and policy advocacy initiative with the vision of empowering women in and through the Internet, across ten countries in Africa, Asia and South America. IT for Change contributed to framework development and provided inputs to the background report of the study.

Between 2012-14, with support from International Development Research Centre (Canada), IT for Change carried out a multi-country action research project that aimed at leveraging the digital opportunity for strengthening marginalised women's active citizenship and their engagement with local governance, across three sites - in India, Brazil and South Africa.

IT for Change has consistently advocated for an equitable information society for the South, pointing to how ‘access’ presupposes rights that are not just civil-political, but also, socio-economic. We have therefore advocated for democratising the Internet, in our engagements with WSIS (2003-2005) and WSIS review processes.