
The article critically examines US government's withdrawal from direct oversight over ICANN, and argues that the jurisdictional controls over ICANN that the US retains means that ICANN can hardly…

During 2010- 16, ITfC designed and implemented a new model of teacher-education, based on ‘professional community of practice’ amongst teachers, in collaboration with RMSA and DSERT Karnataka,…

Prakriye's information centre strategy has focused on partnering with women’s collectives to build vibrant civic-public spaces.From operating 2 ICT-enabled centres covering 10…

With the support of the South Asia Women’s Fund, the Prakriye field centre of IT for Change has been working with 85 adolescent girls in rural Mysore to strengthen their agency…

Sriranjani Ranganathan was invited to be a member of the ‘Research Group on Teacher Education of the Task group - Karnataka State Education Policy’,…

Article 19 called for a public consultation on Principles on Privacy and Freedom of Expression. IT for Change submitted comments to the Draft Principles. Our inputs emphasized:…

IT for Change made a submission to the Call for Comments on the draft update of General Recommendation No.19 (1992) on gender based violence against women, issued by the Committee on the…

IT for Change made a submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) in response to the call for comments on the Consultation Paper on Proliferation of Broadband…

This statement, developed by the Internet Social Forum community calls for a greater engagement by social justice organizations, activists and people's movements in different areas with those…

By allowing content providers to subsidize access to their sites, using the logic of Internet exceptionalism, India’s telecom provider is weakening its previous stance on net…