Internet governance


Our Research Assistant, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf, represented IT for Change at a virtual meeting convened by the co-facilitators of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) on 21 May 2024. The goal of the meeting was to provide an update on the GDC process while giving stakeholders the opportunity to exchange views on the Rev1 (Revised Text 1) of the…


The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (AIAB) published an interim report on Governing AI for Humanity in December 2023. The initial proposal aimed to strengthen the international governance of AI by carrying out seven critical functions, which would contribute to reaching the Sustainable Development…


Twenty years ago, stakeholders gathered in Geneva at the first World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and affirmed a “common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society.”

In preparation for the WSIS+20 review set to take place in 2025, we partnered with the Association…


On behalf of the Global Digital Justice Forum, IT for Change submitted written inputs to the structural elements of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) on 8 March 2024.

The input emphasizes the need for an explicit and unequivocal call to global equity, justice, and well-being of all as the overarching goals guiding the key elements of the…


The Global Digital Justice Forum responded to the Joint Questionnaire for CSTD's 20-year review of the World Summit on Information Society implementation. The submission focused on the fact that instead of the vision of "people-centered, inclusive and development oriented" future, the digital era has been driven by increasing exclusions,…


The UN Secretary-General's AI Advisory Body recently launched its Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity. The report’s proposal to strengthen and enhance the international governance of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important starting point towards bridging the critical global-level digital policy gap that widens with every passing day…


IT for Change responded to the Open Consultation Process on the WSIS Forum organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Our inputs focused on how the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event should address questions of the digital and data divide, in particular the critical role of democratic governance of the digital as vital to the…


IT for Change submitted a response to the Zero draft of the Pact for the Future, which was launched on 26 January 2024, as a first step towards the negotiations of the agreement in September 2024 within the Summit of the Future. Engaging with each chapter of the draft of the Pact, our submission emphasized the role of a just and fair digital…


IT for Change’s Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami contributed a chapter to the book, Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads. The book engages in debates and discussions focused on the current trends and challenges of communication governance, in addition to analyzing relevant actors and technologies shaping policies in the field. …


On 13 February 2024, Merrin Muhammed Ashraf represented the Global Digital Justice Forum and IT for Change at a virtual consultation convened by the co-facilitators of the intergovernmental process for drafting a Global Digital Compact, which would be annexed to the Pact for the Future. The goal of the consultation was to allow civil society…