

Anita Gurumurthy participated in the 2016 IAMCR Conference, held in Leicester, UK between 27th -31st July 2016. The theme for this year's conference was Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward.

Anita was invited to speak at the…


IT for Change is currently developing a training curriculum on e-government for women's empowerment and gender equality, for policymakers in the Asia-Pacific region, in partnership with UNESCAP and UNPOG. This is based on a  5-country research study on gender and e-government in the Asia-Pacific, that we carried out in 2016.…


The ubiquity and pervasiveness of data based decision making in a neo-liberal society has converted even acts of love and care into a site of capitalist expropriation. How can we recover the power of big data for transformative feminist politics? – this is the question that the article addresses.


In 2015, WWW Foundation and Sida launched the Women's Rights Online research study to map the opportunities for women's empowerment through web-enabled ICTs, across the capital cities/economic hubs of 10 countries in the global South: Cairo, Egypt; Bogota, Colombia; Jakarta, Indonesia; Kampala, Uganda; Lagos, Nigeria; Manila, Philippines;…


Anita Gurumurthy was invited to participate in The First General Assembly of the Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG), on 9-10 December, 2015. At the event, she was a panelist at the session 'Post 2015 SDGs and implications for Gender and the Media'. Organized by UNESCO and GAMAG, in partnership with Greece, 15 UN organizations and the…


Anita Gurumurthy participated at the International Development Cooperation Meeting on Gender and Media, convened by UNESCO on 7-8 December, 2015. At the event, she was a panelist at the Round Table discussion 'Strategic link between policy and research on gender and media, including technology'. The overall aim of the Meeting was to promote…


The digitalisation of public service delivery has effected a paradigmatic shift in governance. This note discusses two aspects of this shift pertinent to women farmers - 'E-agriculture' initiatives and the new challenges to women's citizenship arising due to the reconstitution of governance systems by the Internet and ICTs. In the past,…


In 2015, WWW Foundation in partnership with Sida conducted a 10-country research study across Asia, Africa and Latin America to explore the potential of the Internet for the empowerment of urban poor women. IT for Change was the country partner for the India component of the project. The research findings clearly indicate the…


On 25 August 2015, the Second High Level Committee on Status of Women in India, convened a consultation to focus exclusively on developing Indicators for the Gender Equality Goal 5. of the proposed post-2015 development agenda, in New Delhi, on 25 August 2015. Anita Gurumurthy represented IT for Change and shared comments on developing…


IT for Change was invited to be a part of the panel on 'Gendering Global Media Policy: Critical Perspectives on Digital Agendas', at IAMCR 2015, held between July 12-16, in Montreal, Canada. Our panel presentation critiqued the flagship 'Digital India' programme launched by the Government of India in early 2015, demonstrating…