

'Making Women's Voices and Votes Count' is a two-year project (2013-2014) that aimed at the capacity-building of elected women representatives from Panchayati Raj Institutions, and strengthening the linkages between elected women and women's collectives, for building a vibrant women's political constituency at the grassroots, and gendering…


Between February-June 2015, an external evaluation of IT for Change's Making Women's Voices and Votes Count project was carried out. This 2.5 year-long project focused on utilising ICT pathways for strengthening women's political participation in local governance and the linkages of elected women representatives with women's constituencies at…


Since 2006, the field centre of IT for Change,Prakriye, has been engaged in building an ICT-enabled community information centre model.  The key objective of this is to create a space that can bring local governance institutions closer to women, and particularly, enable marginalised women to seek their entitlements. The information centres –…


These resources were produced as part of the Mahiti Manthana project, a joint initiative of Prakriye and Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, undertaken between 2005 and 2009. Since its inception in 2005, the project primarily aimed at exploring the possibilities offered by community informatics practice, for…


IT for Change will organise a national seminar on gender and online violence in November 2017 with TISS, Mumbai. Coming soon - Call for abstracts.


In 2017, the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF) commissioned IT for Change to undertake a research study critically analysing the government's Digital India programme, assessing the key gaps and opportunities for gender equality in relation to the programme and recommending a strategic action plan in this regard.

The mandate of the study…


On June 28, 2017 Anita Gurumurthy joined Nicole Shephard in a tweetchat organized by GenderITorg to discuss the impact of Big Data on gender and women’s rights.

Find the storify here.  


Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami authored two issue papers for Association for Progressive Communication's research series on 'Internet and ICTs for social justice and development'. The papers examine a history of feminist engagement with development and digital technologies, and chalk out future directions for feminist advocacy in relation…


A pre-consultation meeting was organised in Bangalore in January 2017 to review our discussion paper, 'Technology-mediated Violence against Women in India: How can we strengthen existing legal-institutional response mechanisms?'. A group of feminist scholars and practitioners came together at this meeting to debate the questions raised by this…


IT for Change was invited to participate in the 'National Consultation on SDGs through a Gender Lens', organised by Women 2030 in June 2017. The intent of the meeting was to develop a feminist document on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and share it with the NITI Aayog and other stakeholders in government. IT for Change submitted an input…