Media articles


Following TRAI's historic ruling that prohibits the discriminatory tariffs for data services, Parminder Jeet Singh, in this op-ed in the Deccan Herald, discusses how TRAI has asserted its regulatory control over the Internet by ensuring data services are not discriminated based on content and are provided as a regulated public utility. 


Following Face book’s aggressive campaign to gain public support for Free Basics, Parminder Jeet Singh in this article in The Hindu argues how while the campaign utterly failed in its intended purpose, its unintended consequences may have done a lot of good to India in shaping a new level of consciousness around digital rights in India.


In light of the growing media focus on Facebook's 'Free Basics' and the overwhelming response to the TRAI consultation paper on differential pricing, Parminder Jeet Singh argues how differential pricing will invert the basic egalitarian design of the Internet in this article in Deccan Herald.


In 2015, WWW Foundation in partnership with Sida conducted a 10-country research study across Asia, Africa and Latin America to explore the potential of the Internet for the empowerment of urban poor women. IT for Change was the country partner for the India component of the project. The research findings clearly indicate the…


In this piece for The Hindu, Parminder Jeet Singh writes about entrenchment of power and control with regard to the global Internet in the hands of a few economic and political elites, overwhelming based in the US, leading to what may be called as a unipolar networked-digital complex.


In a Q & A, Parminder Jeet Singh discusses the social underpinnings of the Net Neutrality discussion and the principles that should guide any regulation in this area. This segment was carried as part of Down to Earth's cover story for June 2015.


Gurumurthy Kasinathan writes about SSLC performance rankings and the undue stress they cause leading to multiple preparatory examinations which may not be the best thing for students and teachers. He analyzes the problematic nature of these rankings and suggests alternatives in an opinion piece in the Deccan Herald.




The recent public consultation by TRAI has catapulted the issue of 'net neutrality' into mainstream consciousness. In this article for the Economic and Political Weekly Parminder Jeet Singh delineates precisely what net neutrality is, and the important criteria it must meet to be truly egalitarian.


Three speakers, from the International Forum on Gender, Media, ICTs, and Journalism: 20 years after the Beijing Action Platform, Margaret Gallgher, Lucía Lagunes Huerta, and Anita Gurumurthy were invited for a discussion on the Latin American channel teleSur. In conversation with Laura Carlsen, they spoke on issues…


Issue No. 287 of the Third World Network's 'Resurgence' featured many articles by members of the Just Net Coalition, foregrounding global level Internet Governance issues of critical importance, during the run up to the IGF 2014, Istanbul. Parminder Jeet Singh's overview traces the International IG scene so far, emphasizes Snowden's…