

The Women-gov project (2012-2014), a two-year multi-country action-research initiative supported by the International Development Research Centre, Canada, explored the question of how the guided use of digital technologies can strengthen marginalised women's informational, associational and communicative power in their engagement with formal…


Nandini.C represented IT for Change on the Panel 'Framing Development Justice' at the 2013 Asia Pacific Regional Consultation with Special Procedures Mandate Holders organised by APWLD, between October 27-29 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Table of Contents

Overall trends and developments in the area of e-governance in India

Brief history


In this article for IGF Watch, Parminder Jeet Singh unpacks the politics of 'enhanced-cooperation' and recounts IT for Change's continued efforts towards a more inclusive debate on this topic at various international forums and the resistance.



IT for Change's research study on 'Exploring an institutional model for Samudaya Jnana Kendras (Community Knowledge Centres)' explores the possibility of setting up state-initiated, community knowledge centres ( Samudaya Jnana Kendras) in various rural locations across the state of Karnataka. This study which was carried out…


At IT for Change (ITfC), we focus on a grounded analysis and exploration of the possibilities that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer for development interventions, especially in the areas of governance, gender and education. We have endeavoured to demystify technology, de-centre expertise, develop a…


Parminder Jeet Singh was invited by the South Centre, the Geneva-based inter-governmental thinktank, to address the developing country diplomats on global Internet-related policies and the appropriate institutional mechanisms for this purpose. The specific focus of the meeting, that took place on 23rd April, 2012, was the upcoming one day…


 The Gender and Citizenship in the Information Society (CITIGEN), launched in 2010, was an Asia-wide research programme co-ordinated by IT for Change and supported by the The International Development Research Centre (IDRC). It explored the notion of marginalised women's citizenship as a normative project or an aspiration for equitable social…


IT for Change was one of the five civil society members of the 'Task Force for the Effective Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act' constituted by Department of Personal and Training, Government of India. IT for Change also led the sub group of the Task Force on digital means for proactive disclosure. The report of the…


IT for Change wrote a paper titled 'A development agenda in Internet Governance - Outlining global public policy issues and exploring new institutional options' for the IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa) seminar on global Internet Governance that took place on 1-2 September 2011 at Fundação Getulio Vargas, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The event…