

IT for Change participated in The Voice or Chatter project from 2016 to 2017 as part of the Making All Voices Count (MAVC) consortium. The research network comprised collaborators from across the globe including South Africa, Philippines, India, Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay. MAVC was a four-year global program focused on…


World-over, technology-mediated violence against women is growing to be a serious social problem. Women’s full and free participation in digital spaces presupposes a safe online environment, but going online seem to be fraught with the risk of violence for women. Governments, especially in countries in the global South, are yet to bring their…


This background paper developed for South Centre, Geneva, highlights how developing countries need to develop competencies and skills in global diplomacy around digital trade, and shape new geopolitical strategies, moving beyond narrow lenses of IT industry concerns or ICTs for development. Data is the new raw material that…


Our discussion paper on the issue of technology-mediated violence against women analyses the adequacy of the current legal and institutional frameworks in India and proposes alternate models that need to be debated and analysed. The paper raises a series of questions on overhauling the existing legal framework, effectively addressing…


IT for Change is the resource institution for the Subject Teacher Forum (STF) “in-service teacher education” program for high school teachers in Karnataka. The Karnataka Open Educational Resources (KOER) program is a component of the STF. The KOER program was started in 2013-14 by DSERT Karnataka, in collaboration with IT for Change. ITfC…


This paper summarises the key issues in the current digital governance scenario in India. It focusses on emerging technological practices in government and articulates the gaps in current legal-policy measures necessary to promote participatory democracy in the digital age.


This paper examines and discuss these shifts in our contemporary democratic fabric by focusing on emerging technological practices in government. It explores key concerns, and articulates the gaps in current legal-policy measures necessary to promote participatory democracy in the digital age.


The Internet has now become an enabler of rights and an essential precondition for full participation in the information society. However, issues of corporate and state surveillance, and the enormous influence that corporate policies have on the way our fundamental rights are exercised, exhorts us to embark on an urgent…


IT for Change is currently developing a training curriculum on e-government for women's empowerment and gender equality, for policymakers in the Asia-Pacific region, in partnership with UNESCAP and UNPOG. This is based on a  5-country research study on gender and e-government in the Asia-Pacific, that we carried out in 2016.…


The ubiquity and pervasiveness of data based decision making in a neo-liberal society has converted even acts of love and care into a site of capitalist expropriation. How can we recover the power of big data for transformative feminist politics? – this is the question that the article addresses.