Internet Governance/Advocacy


The Global Digital Justice Forum responded to the Joint Questionnaire for CSTD's 20-year review of the World Summit on Information Society implementation. The submission focused on the fact that instead of the vision of "people-centered, inclusive and development oriented" future, the digital…


On behalf of the Global Digital Justice Forum, IT for Change submitted written inputs to the structural elements of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) on 8 March 2024.

The input emphasizes the need for an explicit and unequivocal call to global equity, justice, and well-being of all as the…


As procurers of all the civic tech that surrounds us, municipal authorities today find themselves in a unique position — they have become the custodians of personal and aggregate data generated by the world’s largest human concentrations. Rich or poor, large or small, democratic, autocratic, or…


In this paper, the authors argue that there is substantial scope for data governance policies for the Global South to draw from theories and practices informed by the idea that data can be a subject of decentralized, community-centric governance. First, the paper highlights the importance of…


UNESCO has released its initial draft proposal of the ‘Guidelines on Regulating Digital Platforms: a multistakeholder approach’ (Guidance Document) for inputs and observations. The document is meant to serve as a guidance on the regulation, co-regulation, and self-…


IT for Change submitted an input to the UN Human Rights B-Tech project in response to its call for inputs on gender, digital tech, and the role of business, using the lens of the United Nations Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) applied from a gender perspective. In our…


The proposal for a Global Digital Compact arose from the calls to improve digital cooperation on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. It is “expected to outline shared principles for an open, free, and secure digital future for all”, covering…


Anita Gurumurthy and Deepti Bharthur responded to a call for papers on Global AI Governance by UN Tech Envoy’s office for the first meeting of the Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI in September 2023.

This paper builds on some key threads from a roundtable on ‘Reframing AI governance…


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has invited stakeholders to comment on the ‘Consultation Draft: Targeted update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and their Implementation Procedures’ (Consultation Draft). The OECD Guidelines for Multinational…


IT for Change contributed to the U.S. Copyright Office's call for comments in relation to AI and copyrights. Our input spoke to the significant issues and challenges around consumption and utilization of knowledge – both public and copyrighted – in relation to the developments in the field of AI…


Continuing our engagement with UNESCO's effort to formulate a set of ‘Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms’ to safeguard freedom of expression and access to information, IT for Change provided comments and recommendations on the Draft 2.0 of the Guidelines. We commend the second draft of…


The Global Digital Justice Forum, led by a digital justice vision, is a multisectoral group of development organizations, digital rights networks, trade unions, feminist groups, corporate watchdogs, and communication rights campaigners [including, Campaign of Campaigns,…


The Global Digital Justice Forum, led by a digital justice vision, is a diverse group of development organizations, digital rights networks, feminist groups, trade unions, and corporate watchdogs. This includes Campaign of Campaigns, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN),…


India should prioritise strong AI governance to ensure data sovereignty, promote indigenous innovation, and address ethical concerns.

ChatGPT may represent a point of inflection in public consciousness about the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its key role in society. It is time…



Twitter, the social-networking platform which serves as a socio-political barometer, was recently purchased by Elon Musk, owner of Tesla. Musk has fired 50% of Twitter staff, toyed with its policies on registration and posts, making it an oligarch’s doll. Clearly the world needs…