Our Advocacy Statements

Rajasthan Government procurement of proprietary software in their Tender document for purchase of laptops


The Government of Rajasthan floated a tender for the purchase of 112,000 laptops in January 2013. In their bid document they have specifically asked for proprietary software to be provided by the vendor. IT for Change worked with the network of educationists across India, to write a letter to the Government asking it to re-consider the waste of…

Stakeholder Consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue”, held by FICCI, 4th September, 2012 - Comments

Brief elaboration of some points made during stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech:  Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” held by FICCI on 4th of September, 2012

Stakeholder Consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue”, held by FICCI, 4th September, 2012

IT for Change took part in stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” Held by FICCI on 4th of September, 2012. We also submitted written comments on how this issue should dealt at a practical level, especially in view of the very…

CABE accepts National ICT in school education policy - June 2012


Read the final version of the policy on ICTS in School Education

In January 2008, MHRD released a draft policy on ICTs in school education. This policy, created by a committee that included big businesses interested in the 'ICT in education' space was hugely problematic; in a way looking at education…