Policy briefs

The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (AIAB) published an interim report on Governing AI

IT for Change successfully submitted the policy brief titled "Reorienting Public Services Platformization in Health" to the

Anita Gurumurthy, Executive Director of IT for Change, provided input to the 2023-24 Inter-Sessional Panel on 'Data for Development' by UNCSTD, held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 6 Novembe

Anita Gurumurthy from IT for Change participated in CSTD's first open consultation titled 'WSIS at 20: Successes, failures and future expectations' which was organis

IT for Change contributed to the U.S. Copyright Office's call for comments in relation to AI and copyrights.

IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) joined forces in 2022 to facilitate a series of discussions across the Global South with a goal to

IT for Change was invited to present an expert paper at the Expert Group Meeting convened by UN Women in preparation for CSW 67, with its priority theme of “Innovation and technologi